Relax with New Age Music During the Season of Lights

Its the holiday season once again.  Time for shopping, giving, parties… and stress?  Why not put on some new age music to help you relax and chill while you cook or wrap presents!  When there are so many things vying for your attention, my best advice is to attend to yourself first.  When you fly on an airplane, they always say to put on your own face mask first, before helping others.

Don’t get me wrong – I am not saying that the season of lights is an emergency!  Far from it!  But there are a lot of competing demands for our attention, and that can feel overwhelming at times.  This is a clear signal to you to unwind with a bath, some headphones and a good book!

(image from Muffet on Flickr)

It is definitely time to celebrate the season! (image from Muffet on Flickr)

This time of year, I enjoy reflecting on the past 12 months while I make new goals for the year ahead.  As a singer songwriter, I often read my mail to get an idea of what my fans like, or what they think needs improving.  Seems I always learn something!

Recently, I was thrilled to receive this review from a fan:

I love your music for a variety of reasons: one being the diversity of sounds and moods it produces, creating many shades of colors, heights and depths. I become bored with single dimensional perspectives and one-track mindedness.

I like to view it like this: Within Light, there is a true light and darkness, and within darkness there is a false light and darkness. We need the Spirit to reveal which is which. Another reason your music is so special to me: it creates true spiritual experiences with depth and meaning. Yet another reason; the professionalism and dedication to your craft has inspired me to re-work my body of writings and improve upon the quality thereof.

Its the season of lights (image from alancleaver_2000 on Flickr)

Its the season of lights (image from alancleaver_2000 on Flickr)

The tension between darkness and light has been around since the beginning of time!  In fact, the season of lights originated in Pagan times.  People of all heritages, creeds, colors and religions have yearned for light in the time of darkness.  The Winter Solstice is approximately December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere.  Its the shortest day of the year, and the longest night.  Many believe that Christmas is celebrated on December 25 in order to replace Pagan traditions with religious observations.

Religion aside, light and darkness play a significant part in our human spirituality.  Some people can tap into related emotions relatively easily.  And others need help to get there.

Ambient new age music can be that guide.  Spiritual music – soothing music – it can help us tap into the spirit of the season.

(image from ItzaFineDay on Flickr)

A Labyrinth of Lights (image from ItzaFineDay on Flickr)

Have you considered giving new age gifts this time of year?  CDs or music downloads are popular ideas.  You don’t need fancy mP3 equipment, you can listen to relaxing, healing music right from your computer!  Why not check out iTunes, or

Another spiritual tradition this season is to walk a Labyrinth and meditate.  As shown in the image above, seasonal lights need not be an expensive display – just a few flickering lights to show your way.  Walk with a purpose and reflect upon your concerns, your plans for the New Year, and the gifts in your life.

(image from daveparker on Flickr)

Seasonal Lights in all colors and refractions (image from daveparker on Flickr)

Wishing you love and light during the long winter months.  Have a musically-inspired holiday season!

Merry Xmas and a happy new year! Every year has its challenges, but in the end, we have to learn to let go! One of my way of dealing with harder times is to have fun! My husband’s Jazz Vocal Quartet, Resonance, kindly accepted to share their joy and passion for Christmas songs and carols with me to offer you those Xmas video greetings! May the Angels of passion, courage and laughter pay you a visit more often.. in the coming hours! With love, Marcomé ♡

p.s. A huge thank you to my son Simon who patiently put this all together! Tks to our dog Patchou for his patience…)

Tks to Zrnho for the following video

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check My Favorite Seasonal Music Selection, Musical Sounds in Nature and Music for the Changing Seasons, Fill your Soul with Simple Pleasures, Improve your health with meditation, The sound of Silence, Ambient music therapy, Treat your body like a temple.If you enjoyed this post, be sure to see Thanksgiving: A Time to Reflect and Fill Your Soul with Simple Pleasures, Nature’s music is never over.

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